Execution &Bailiffs Division Registry Set for Revamp
In a bid to improve the case filing system and easing access to court records, the Registry of the Execution and Bailiffs Division (EBD) of the High Court is to undergo a revamp.
The EBD Registry upgrade process will involve activities such as developing a work plan for the Registry; conducting a file census; file rehabilitation,cataloging and indexing; digitization of the records, installation of CCTV cameras, among other things. New furniture and filing cabinets will also be procured for the Registry.
The project estimated to cost about USh.150 million, is scheduled to run between December 2018 and March 2019.
According to Hon. Justice Gadenya Paul Wolimbwa, the program will be partly funded by the Government of Uganda and partly the Development Partners, who include the British High Commission, International Justice Mission and the Legal Aid Services Provider's Network (Laspnet).
"We expect this project to reduce the cost of enforcing court decisions," said Hon.Justice Gadenya. "We want to establish a system to enable easy filing and retrieval of judgments; enhancement of the safety and integrity of judicial records; skills improvement for Registry staff and customer care in the registry."
At least 16 volunteers, 16 students, 1 supervisor will participate in the project,in addition to the existing Registry staff. The staff will also be trained in records management and registry security skills.
"I am optimistic that the resources will be availed and the project will take off as per the plan to cater for the above mentioned," said Judge Paul Gadenya.
According to HW Elias Kisawuzi, the Registrar EBD, IJM is already taking measurements for the available space.
Posted 29th, November 2018